Teleport Service

Your partner in telecommunications

We can provide a “turn-key” service regarding complete management of your project including but not limited to following:

-Tender documents preparation

-Regulatory affairs

-Detail technical design

-Specification of equipment/sites/services needed

-recommendation of suppliers and assisting in contract finalization

-preparation of a project plan and budget

-coordination of works, supplier and contractors

-finalization and hand-over to project owner



DTT implementation

Implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) these days is ongoing in many countries.

TV and radio broadcasting in digital format has many advantages, compared to old analog transmission. In most cases switching to digital is also imposed  by regulatory bodies in order to facilitate radio spectrum management and improve quality.

In other words today nobody doubts what is the future of broadcasting, though  implementation is not an easy task.  The successful and smooth transition within tough time frames and reasonable budget constrains requires high level of competence, technology “know-how” and excellent project management skills.

That’s what we can offer to service providers who want to switch to digital.

-Network design

-Satellite and terrestrial contribution, CAS and MHP design

-Equipment and antenna installation

-Steel work design, manufacture and on-site installation

-Power supply design and installation

-Standard and special construction services

-Storage and transportation of the equipment

-Measurement engineering

We can recommend and evaluate different end-user receiving equipment-antennas, set-top boxes, TV sets etc.

Phone: +359 2 950 46 06

Fax: +359 2 950 46 05


To contact us:

Proect management

Technical services

End user equipment
